Helping your anxious child depends at the first place on knowing of the causes of anxiety in children
Some of the causes of anxiety in children is very normal during children’s development. such as separation anxiety, fear of the dark, of strangers, of loud noises, insects, monsters or of storms are all common causes for anxiety in children as they grow, and in these cases you don't need much effort on helping your anxious child, just a little amount of encouraging will be great.
In addition, teen age can bring on more stress and feelings of sensitivity that add to causes of anxiety in children, and here you need to know the exact situation your kid is in, in order to help you helping your anxious child.
Some of the causes of anxiety in children is very normal during children’s development. such as separation anxiety, fear of the dark, of strangers, of loud noises, insects, monsters or of storms are all common causes for anxiety in children as they grow, and in these cases you don't need much effort on helping your anxious child, just a little amount of encouraging will be great.
In addition, teen age can bring on more stress and feelings of sensitivity that add to causes of anxiety in children, and here you need to know the exact situation your kid is in, in order to help you helping your anxious child.
What are the normal causes of anxiety in children which need helping your anxious child?
As we mentioned all children live some anxiety from time to time, normal causes of anxiety in children during children's development includes:- anxiety and depression may be caused by less amounts of neurotransmitters (chemicals that transfer signals by methods of the central nervous system) from the brain, which make person's ability to feel good less. helping your anxious child here is by getting him to specialists. Genetics are probably included, so if a close family member has depression, that will increase the possibility of having it, and will make helping your anxious child easier if you let the doctors know about the family story.
- Big life events in the family: like losing one of the family member, a divorce, a transfer to a new place (which means new neighbors, new school, new friends....etc). one of the effective causes of anxiety in children, helping your anxious child in these cases must be immediate and don't be ignored because of our sadness.
- Big life events in the family: like losing one of the family member, a divorce, a transfer to a new place (which means new neighbors, new school, new friends....etc). helping your anxious child in these cases must be immediate and don't be ignored because of our sadness.
- Illness and tiredness: one of the common causes of anxiety in children, for young children this may cause anxiety. helping your anxious child is easy, you have to give him time to relax and rest. Chronic illnesses can cause anxiety by their selves or by their drugs affect.
- Several changes in caregivers: : one of the very important causes of anxiety in children this will be shown obviously in orphans houses, changing of their caregivers will cause them deep affects and anxiety. Helping your anxious child is by getting him out of this preschool immediately, but what about orphans!!
- Strangers' anxiety and fear of loud sounds start from seven or nine months old. helping your anxious child in this case doesn't need more than calming him down and take him out so he get used to seeing other people.
- Fear of the dark, wired creatures, insects, and animals in preschool children. In this case helping your anxious child will depend on encouraging him, getting him slowly slowly close to some pets, showing him that there is nothing in the dark rooms.
- Anxiety of storms and strange loud voices in younger school-age children. This will begin to show up in older kids, helping your anxious child needs you at the first place to be unanxious!
- In addition to separation anxiety which starts at the first year old and never disappears unless it has been treated and handled with. helping your anxious child of separation is hard at the beginning, and getting easier by time.
- Pressure: many types of causes of anxiety in children can cause pressure, especially at the teen years, which are period of emotional and sociable problems. Talking about helping your anxious child during teen years needs much more explaining.
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